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Extending range
without compromise

RayOne EMV offers:

Increased range of focus: 1.5 D³˒⁵ with an emmetropic target.

High quality vision: Truly non-diffractive IOL with monofocal levels of contrast sensitivity³, dysphotopsia⁴˒⁶, and high levels of patient satisfaction.

What is RayOne EMV?

Developed in collaboration with Professor Graham Barrett, RayOne EMV’s truly non-diffractive optic utilizes positive spherical aberration to slightly extend range of focus¹˒² whilst avoiding the problems that can arise with diffractive lenses.²


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Clinical results with RayOne EMV

RayOne can provide spectacle independence for distance and intermediate vision.

RayOne EMV provides improvement in intermediate vision without compromising binocular distance vision.⁵˒⁸˒⁹

Contrast sensitivity levels similar to standard monofocals in both photopic and mesopic conditions.³

Since the launch of RayOne EMV in 2020, real world clinical data from across Europe has demonstrated that:

The following clinical results are from a prospective, single-center, observational, noncomparative study conducted at San Carlos Hospital, Madrid, Spain. The study aimed to evaluate visual and refractive outcomes, as well as patient satisfaction, following bilateral implantation of RayOne EMV (IOL) in 50 eyes, with emmetropia as the target refraction.

Outcomes reveal excellent binocular CDVA and good DCIVA, with a high level of patient satisfaction.

of patients could read 0.1 logMAR or better

Binocular UDVA

of patients could read 0.2 logMAR or better

Binocular UIVA

Of patients reported no difficulty with their vision in their everyday life (CatQuest-9SF-questionnaire)

Of patients were (very) satisfied with their sight after surgery (CatQuest-9SF-questionnaire)

Comparative outcomes with RayOne EMV

At the Hospital da Luz Lisboa in Lisbon, Professor Filomena Ribeiro and Professor Tiago Ferreira led a 150 patient double-arm, non-randomised prospective case series where RayOne EMV demonstrated excellent visual outcomes for distance and intermediate vision, and good visual acuity for near vision.³


No statistical difference in contrast sensitivity from a standard monofocal and slightly better contrast sensitivity levels than extended depth of vision (EDOF) IOLs under photopic conditions.

Patients in the RayOne EMV group experienced a high level of spectacle independence and a photic phenomena profile similar to standard monofocals.

  1. Gatinel D. Presented at ESCRS 2023.

  2. Barrett G. Presented at ESCRS 2023.

  3. Ferreira TB. Presented at ESCRS 2022 [Paper].

  4. Ferreira TB. Presented at ESCRS 2022 [Symposia].

  5. Royo, M. Presented at ESCRS 2023.

  6. Findl O. et al. (2022, Sept 28). Rayner ESCRS 2022 Symposium: challenges in cataract surgery and advanced technology IOLs [Webinar]. Peer2Peer

  7. Data on file. Rayner. RayPRO.

  8. Royo Presented at ESCRS 2022.

  9. García-Bella J. et al. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2024 Jun 1;50(6):585-590.

  10. Bhogal-Bhamra GK. et al. J Refract Surg. 2019;35(1):48-53.

How does RayOne EMV work?


Centre region

Induced positive spherical aberration.

Blended edge region

Reduced longitudinal spherical aberration designed to maintain visual acuity and constrast sensitivity under mesopic conditions.

Centre region

Induced positive spherical aberration.

Blended edge region

Reduced longitudinal spherical aberration designed to maintain visual acuity and constrast sensitivity under mesopic conditions.

  • High quality spectacle-free distance vision.⁴˒⁸

  • Reduced pupil dependency, for optimised performance under low light conditions.²˒³

  • Reduced sensitivity to decentration and tilt compared to other IOL designs.¹¹

  • Complements the eye’s natural level of spherical aberration.²

  • Fully preloaded across the entire power range.


RayOne EMV

with positive spherical aberration

Standard Monofocal IOL

with zero spherical aberration

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